You know us ..., we're in touch

Everything around you we have already produced, we are ready for new demands

Pozicija Ime i Prezime Email Telefon
Miroslav Živanović miroslav@uniplastserbia.com +381631194250
Mirjana Matić Njegić mirjanam@uniplastserbia.com +381628880618
Mirjana Čolić mirjanac@uniplastserbia.com +381631037747
Marko Mihajlović mihajlovic@uniplastserbia.com +381631025559
Mladen Vasić mladen@uniplastserbia.com +38163555694
Suzana Savković suzieq@uniplastserbia.com +381631122845
Vladica Vujanović vladica@uniplastserbia.com +38163474232
Vlada Makević vlada@uniplastserbia.com +38163555696
Marko Podleznik marko@uniplastserbia.com +38162202692
Zlatko Stanojlović zlatko@uniplastserbia.com +38163555695
Mirko Živanović mirko@uniplastserbia.com +38163219756
Aleksandar Janevski janevski@uniplastserbia.com +381 631109621
Dunja Milinković dunja@uniplastserbia.com +38162234384
Zoran Đurđević zoran@uniplastserbia.com +381631025383

Why choose us?

The experiences arising from the realization are archived as permanent empirical values


By cultivating multilateral trust, loyalty, professionalism and good cooperation, we meet the expectations of stakeholders. We supply quality products and services for the needs of our customers.

Through the creation of a stable and sustainable business, we provide our employees with regular salaries, security, safe work, satisfaction with training and the possibility of creative work. As a socially responsible company, we work for the benefit of the social community with our business example and well-designed social actions. The most important thing for our company is not the customer, but the employees, and for our employees the most important is the product, and therefore the customer, as the focus of the process.

Jelenča, April 2021
Miroslav Živanović


To become a stable manufacturer and service provider in the field of production and overhaul of trailers and upgrades for motor vehicles. Through continuous process improvements, innovation and creativity, achieve planned business results and adopt new standards in terms of product and process quality.

Jelenča, April 2021
Miroslav Živanović


Through continuous product quality improvements, 'Uniplast Serbia' is a recognizable and reliable Partner to customers, suppliers, employees, the local community and, ultimately, capital owners. We draw strength and keep the quality of individual brands by trusting them in the eyes of the market, winning quietly and naturally. That trust is our greatest ally and task.

We know where we want to go through a business-based friendship, which is better than a friendship-based business, making ourselves and everyone around us happy and realistic.

Our strategic goals are: achieving customer satisfaction, the basis for establishing long-term relationships. The company's products and services must be of quality in accordance with the requirements of customers and the market. Establishing, maintaining and improving long-term partnerships with stakeholders. Continuous improvement of the management system, as a way of life and work in the company. Conquering new technologies, products and markets. The safety and health of employees are a priority. Our OH&S performance targets are: zero level of injuries at work, zero level of time lost due to injuries at work. The care for the social community will be reflected through our investment in it, preservation and improvement of the environment.

For us, success is inventiveness, enthusiasm, recognition and development of potential, as well as work on improvement, which is our greatest value through an active DNK structure:
- we do not know what the 'line of least resistance' is, because we act honestly and do the right thing, not just 'easy'
- we realize the task received from the customer in a short time, with a lot of zeal and a desire to impress him
- curious by nature, carefully listening to the customer's needs, we adopt new and advanced knowledge
- we believe in the power of joint work, while giving our own contribution, through tolerating mistakes in the process of realization and decision-making
- the focus of our business is the customer, and the center of our interest is the product.

With top professionalism and responsibility towards the company, family and society, employees of 'Uniplast Serbia' contribute to the achievement of the stated goals.

Jelenča, december, 2012. year
Miroslav Živanović

Integrated quality management policy

UNIPLAST SERBIA d.o.o. Šabac is an organization committed to establishing a modern management system that will enable our customers to gain lasting trust in:
- quality of our products and services,
- environmental management system, because we take care of our environment,
- occupational safety and health systems and
- information security management system, which guarantees us and our customers the security of their data.

Therefore, our organization has implemented management systems according to the requirements:
- ISO 9001:2015 - Quality management systems;
- SORS 9000/21 - Quality assurance in the process of product realization - requirements;
- ISO 14001:2015 - Environmental management system;
- ISO 45001:2018 - Occupational health and safety management systems;
- ISO/IEC 27001:2014 - Information security management system;
- IATF 16949:2016 – Quality management system in the automotive industry.

As the most important priorities, the following goals have been set in our organization:
- That the management systems in accordance with the relevant standards and the existing legal regulatory;
- Customer satisfaction in the first place;
- High level of professional relations with suppliers, associates and all stakeholders;
- Identification of all aspects of the environment, control and monitoring of significant aspects;
- Permanent maintenance of security in the workplace, and therefore the safety and health of employees;
- Through continuous consultation and participation of workers and their representatives for safety and health at work in the affairs of improving the safety and health at work;
- Continuous training and motivation of employees;
- Saving resources and energy, reducing the use of harmful substances and the amount of harmful waste;
- Maintaining the current level and constantly improve the level of information security, with a review of the risk.

Jelenča, October 2023
Miroslav Živanović

Human resources

Human potential is key resource and direct participant of the business development in our company.

Uniplast Serbia is classified as medium business entity, employing personnel who have desire to improve their knowledge and achieve success. We offer a chance to all ambitious people who wish to cultivate their carrier and make progress, and requirements are to be capable and willing to answer all requests and dynamics of work and dedication to work and to learning.

Importance of human capital is growing in a way that people have more and more knowledge and information and coordination of human resources becomes more difficult. Knowledge is required on how to successfully steer human capital, how to gain it, develop it, keep it and reward the right individuals whom will follow company strategy. Quality control of human resources is the most important business activity of the company.

“Work without results is expenditure”. With strong organizational structure we wish to prove opposite. New requirements, new markets are a challenge to us, and organized structure is formed so that whatever you need from us can be done quickly and efficiently. With good human potential, qualified and educated human resources, we are ready to responsibly deal with any challenge and customers requirement that we face every day. Global competition encourages us to constant development and progress. Education of human resources in organization is of great importance for its development and progress. For that reason, we always aim provide training and courses for our personnel. As truck bodywork manufacturers, we offer singular organization which clearly states its mission and has a vision which attracts, motivates and upgrades human potential as spiritus movens of past, current and future business achievements. Every organizations success is in direct correlation with quality of its human resources.

We are leaders when it comes to speed and method of knowledge application with which we achieve best results with best people. “Management is the art of getting things done through people.” Mary Parker Follett. Human factor has the most important role in the work process. It shows readiness of our employees to react fast and efficiently. Separating cadres in manufacturing sector as well as in administration shows systematic approach in our work and besides that, it shows individual strength of each team. With planning of human resources, we realize that it is crucial part of business strategy of company. Even when we take special care, sometimes we can’t predict all circumstances which can affect our plan, that is the reason why we always have responsible people who will always and in any given moment follow and predict eventual situations, so that they can be timely corrected and we come to a conclusion that human resources are a continuous process which is always moving forward. Every day we strive to show who we are, with what method we work and the quality of our bodyworks shows this: satisfied customers. So we sincerity can stand in defence of the main aspect that characterises human resource: “Right man in the right place” Quote: “Who are great minds?” Theodore Roosevelt.

“Critics are not important. People who point out that a strong man stumbled, or that someone who created something, could have created it better. Merit goes to the person who is in the arena, whose face is stained with dust, sweat and blood: the one who courageously tries, again and again and doesn’t make it: the one with the great enthusiasm with great dedication, who gives his soul for a good reason. The one who, in the best case – lives to see own triumph and the one who, in the worst case lives to see own failure in endeavour for something great and his place will never be next to the timid souls who never knew victory nor defeat.”

We are surviving in this corporate fascism.

Jelenča, april 2017
Miroslav Živanović


Development is in direct correlation with wishes and requirements of our buyers to get new and inventive product, and also in direct correlation with our ability to answer above mentioned wishes and requirements. As we find the best solution, which satisfies our customers, we place such product in our standardized production system. In the past, we have produced some very creative bodyworks for very for some of ours super creative customers.

Soon after vehicles verification on the market and validation from our buyers, said vehicles become framework for our future products and they reinforce heart and soul of our brand. Every year we initiate production of new products, totally new or redesigned if we discover better solutions for them in the meantime... Above mentioned activities are clearly defined in our Internal Quality Rulebook, which has changed a lot during the years, regardless of the substantial changes which were created in the unstoppable growth of our organization.


As company and as individuals we are committed to supply quality products, which satisfy and whenever possible surpass our customers expectations, since only satisfied customer can become a base for our sustainable growth and safety of our work places.

For us, quality is the basis of any future growth and progress. High quality product is the center of our focus, planning and interests. Constant verification of our customer satisfaction with our work, compliance to deadlines and communication, with the obligation of timely and active supply of information to our personnel, buyers and partners on eventual changes leads to ever increasing qualification of our team. Mass distribution of our knowledge enables general progress. Investing in all resources, but first of all in human resources leads to our goal, which in the beginning is our customers wish and in the end, customer satisfaction. Strong standardization of manufacturing processes makes the base for a safe and efficient reproduction and quality. Constant search for and elimination of weak spots in our production processes, expressed closeness to our buyers with specific marketing activities and innovations, with transparency and sharing of responsibilities in work processes, at the same time, with better analysis in using new aspects of freedom in realization of works, leads to simplification of work flows and at the same time increases individual flexibility, with the vision of clearer and simpler system.

* This method of business policy enables us to work on maintaining our current, and taking new, better position on the market and it represents a type of preventive protection from, sooner or later, innovative competition, which in the end leads to the benefit for our customers, workers, owners and indirectly improves society, in general.

* With our suppliers we conclude and develop partnership. In business, we are represented by reliable banks to which we fulfill our obligations, timely.

* In goal realizations, to our personnel we secure professional specialization, for multilateral gain we offer safe work environment and better living standard that accustomed, which motives us to further achieve development and progress.

* We work and do business with respect to all requirements of the relevant laws and standards. In our pursuit to satisfy our customer requirements, we pay special attention when securing safety aspects in usage of our products.

Šabac, september 2006.
Miroslav Živanović

Uniplast technology and engineering

Ever since our foundation in 1980 up to today, every service and every new product has been stacked on the pallet of knowledge and experience of our factory, and like the rings on the tree stump of decades old tree. All acquired and mostly composite knowledge have lead to the formation of the unique technology, which we have mastered and which ensures us unique product. Quality which we achieve, protects us from any competition, we don’t hide, not even the smallest details of our production from the public, since we know that it is very difficult and a big challenge for any of our possible, future competition. Having a big and real competition is treasure for any manufacturer who wishes to head for and arrive to the future. Currently, we are already there.

Most profitable production process in the line of our factory, ready to answer to all of our buyers requirements is: acid resistance, UV stability, colors from the RAL pallet, mat and surface shine and other, very important aspects of visual identity, and controled weight „forty-five-barcol“ plates, puts this team to the level of any independent profit center and realiable supplier.

Products – composite plates of Team LP are tested by the following quality standards. Everyday they pass a great number of tests, by the Uniplast testing plan:
- hardness measured in the Barcol units, by DIN EN ISO 59 standard, which determines how „ripe“ the product is
- Resistance test by the DIN EN ISO 14125, for determination of the material characteristics
- Resistance to imact tests, using Charpi test by DIN EN 179, for determination of material characteristics
- For DMA measure, using rheometer by TM no: 10 – 10 – 045/1, do termenime heat resistance
- Outer influences on material test, by TM no 10 – 10 – 043/1, which determines life cycle of the material
- gas chrometography !!!! by TM no: 10 – 10 – 026/1 for determination of the content and the remains of styrene.
- Adhesion test by TM no: 10-10-048/1 for testing delamination – stratification for usage on different groundworks.
- Ball descension test / Imact test by TM no: 10-10-049/1 for simulation of force effects for usage on different groundwork.
- Radiation tests – infra red/halogenic radiation by TM number: 10 – 10 – 046/1 for testing and resistance to heat
- Thermal tests – photoshooting, like on the standard for determination of outer expanding and behaviour under the heat
- Torsion test by TM no: 10 – 10 – 053/1, which determines material characteristics
- Test of the artificial aging (under xenon or arc lamp / Sun test) by Din En 4892-2 and by TM – no: 10 – 10 – 007/1, for determination of life cyclus of material.

All of our business transactions are based on our own conditions of production, which you can get by request.
As for the possibility of using our products in the food industry, we have reports of regular control for health safety.
HACCP is also very important standard, which can be applied by using these materials.
Technology of insulation materials usage has resulted with excellent ATP values.

Welding technology is property of our organization and is founded on the high quality steel of the Swedish manufacturer SSAB, which is used by the personnel of our organization, attested welders.

Very important part of engineering is projecting of sub-assembly, sub-systems and selection of components. For example masses and dimensions are actively exchanged with Finish company TrailerWin; calculations of sub-chassis are harmonized using FrameWin software, while the complete projecting is done in SolidWorks; Catia is the base of the analysis of the individual components and whole assembly , and positioning of tail lifts and other lifts and cranes is in line with LifterWin and calculated values of FrameWin: projecting of the brake system is done in cooperation with BrakeWin and KnorrBremse, and we are also making cooperation with Wabco.

Everything is verified by professional domestic and international laboratories.


Exports to Germany, Norway, Italy and Sweden, Austria, the countries of the region with a focus on the former Yugoslavia, and work for Serbia, our most important market.

Standards and certificates

The job we are dealing with is very responsible and requires continuous monitoring of production science. All the controls are sublimated in the certificates and standards on the basis of which the job is being carried out.

More of that on this page

Company info

Everyday cooperation with a large number of economic factors in the country and abroad requires up-to-date identification information about the company, so we decided to put them ONLINE.

almost 14000 days behind us

of us, the most prominent of our work

all the stronger brands: UNICE, UNIC ...


working orders behind us

Areas of operation

Uniplast Serbia is a reliable, efficient and creative partner that successfully connects technical and technological knowledge and understanding of the specifics of local markets with rich international experience.


UNICE upgrades for the transport of frozen products

We are dominate

UNIC classic truck refrigerated boxes


UNIVANS cargo space protection on VAN vehicles


UNIAL truck closed box bodyworks


UNICARGO truck boxes with custom made and branded tarpaulin


UNIT O1, O2, O3 i O4 trailers, engineless vehicles made by your request


UNIBOND composite alchemy
